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The promotion of efficient energy strategies among the rural poor is practised by development agencies all over the world. However uptake of such strategies has always been harder to achieve among displaced communities. Using the Theory of Reasoned Action (TORA) psychological survey tool, Gamos investigated what the barriers to effective communication with refugees are.
The TORA tool explains the relationship of different expressed attitudes on the decision to adopt improved practice, helping to explain behaviour patterns. It therefore helps isolate the key issues that may be acting as drivers or barriers to positive behaviour. Using evidence from workshops, consultations and 230 household surveys, Gamos applied TORA to the data to identify barriers in the areas of stove use, firewood collection and woodlot management. In the demonstration phase of the project, focused extension messages were developed and applied (using the information gathered during the research phase) among refugees in Northern Ghana. These focused messages achieved a 51% increase in adoption of improved stoves. To read more about the TORA tool and specific findings from this DFID funded research project please read the project documents. The summary report is available to read here: Barriers To The Adoption Of Efficient Energy Strategies Among Refugees In Northern Ghana - Summary